Make tasks and use of tools transparent

Make tasks and use of tools transparent

With the help of the methods of multi-moment recording, the use of individual work equipment along the processes of the value chain can be shown. Which aids, tools or systems are actually used in the team or company for what purpose? Which task is done with what?

Not only the activities, but also the use of tools can be successfully determined with the sampling method of Due to the possibility of freely defining questions and answers within a study, the participant can also be asked "What tools are you using for this task?" - to get a representative picture, multiple answers can be given.

Use of working materials made transparent


As a result, the use of individual work tools such as pen and paper, desktop, telephone, ... can be shown in detail and further conclusions can be drawn in connection with a digitalisation strategy.

The method of work and activity sampling makes it also possible to discover the tools used for special tasks and non-digitalised processes.
