With multimoment analysis to the smart factory
With multimoment analysis to the smart factory
Industry 4.0, smart factory, digital transformation: We are already in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution! More and more companies worldwide are relying on the networking of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT). As in all areas that are being digitized, the focus in manufacturing companies is also on optimal networking. The Industrial Internet of Thing (IIOT) is designed to streamline and optimize processes and ensure increased customer satisfaction. So far so good. But before a conventional factory can be transformed into a "Factory 4.0", a comprehensive inventory of the current state is first required. This is where multimoment analysis comes into play - because MMA makes it particularly easy to generate reliable data on existing work processes in the shortest possible time. And it does so "incidentally" and without distracting workers from their actual work.
Multimoment analysis can answer these questions
A production is often the result of workflows and process routines that have grown over years or decades. These workflows must be comprehensively identified before the digital transformation of a company can begin. Because only when the workflows are known in detail can it be determined which routines and processes need to be optimized - and which of the work processes can be automated in the future. The smart factory is intended to do one thing above all: significantly increase productivity and thus secure the company's competitiveness for the future. The multi-moment analysis can be used to find out which problems are currently standing in the way of increased productivity, thereby laying the foundation for positive changes in the digital future.
From the current state to the vision
Multimoment analysis makes it possible to capture the current state of a production facility without much effort. The recorded actual state is available as a complete data set after the multimoment analysis has been carried out. The findings can be used to make important business decisions for the future:
- Where should the digitization of the factory lead?
- What does the ideal state look like in terms of work processes and work routines?
The multimoment analysis works completely anonymously. The employees surveyed as part of the analysis can thus answer "freely from the soul" - a guarantee for valid, particularly reliable statements. From now on, the data from the study can be played with - and fictitious scenarios can be designed that represent the potential ideal state of work processes after digitization.
The smart factory is no longer a vision of the future, but already a reality today. Would you also like to learn how multi-moment analysis can support your company on its way to Industry 4.0? Then give us a call right now and let us advise you without obligation! Would you like to learn in detail how you can use multimoment analysis for the continuous improvement of your business processes? Then give us a call right now and let our experts advise you without obligation!