work sampling vs. time tracking

work sampling vs. time tracking

Warum eine Multi-Moment-Aufnahme, wenn eine Zeiterfassung vorhanden ist?

Discover digitalization potentials

Discover digitalization potentials

In order to find further options for digitalization strategies, an activity sampling study can provide helpful information.

Clear objectives for your strategic initiatives

Clear objectives for your strategic initiatives

Strategic initiatives can only be successful on the basis of clear target definitions.

Make tasks and use of tools transparent

Make tasks and use of tools transparent

Are the available and used resources and tools used for the correct (and necessary) work ?

Activity sampling as part of the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP)

Activity sampling as part of the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) is the right tool to support the CIP by using continuous work sampling.

Activity sampling within an activity structure analysis

Activity sampling within an activity structure analysis

An activity structure analysis shows waste and gaps in effectiveness along a process.

Examination of tasks and job description distribution

Examination of tasks and job description distribution

Within the scope of daily work, the areas of responsibility of employees are subject to constant change.


Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /usr/www/users/multic/ on line 226