Multimomentaufnahmen - Arbeitsstrukturen flexibler gestalten können

What is actually an ... activity structure analysis?

Whenever the topics of lean management, process optimization or continuous improvement processes come up in a company, technical terms are always used whose content is not obvious at first glance.

Multimomentaufnahmen - Arbeitsstrukturen flexibler gestalten können

How efficient is home office?

Not even 12 months ago, the subject of home office was undesirable in many companies. Obligatory presence in the office was considered the ultimate - and in the eyes of many employers the only way to maintain the efficiency of the company. More time is wasted in the home office than is productively spent on the actual work - this is the prevailing credo up and down the country.

Multimomentaufnahmen - Arbeitsstrukturen flexibler gestalten können

Five questions that any manager should ask himself over and over again...

The management of a company is an extensive, highly specialised and demanding activity. If you work in management, then you know how important continuous improvement processes are in your company.

Multimomentaufnahmen - Arbeitsstrukturen flexibler gestalten können

We don't have time for a work sampling study !?

Everyday working life leaves little room for extensive studies and analyses. "That sounds interesting. But we don't have the time or the capacity for it! These or similar are often the first answers when it comes to introducing new tools or methods. This article shows that neither time nor capacities are excessively strained for the implementation of a work samling study based on

Multimomentaufnahmen - Arbeitsstrukturen flexibler gestalten können

work sampling - your chance to make work more flexible

Did you and your staff experienced quite a lot of good outcomes from working at home during Corona crises?

Multimomentaufnahme in der Produktion

A Perfect day of a sales man

A perfect day of a sales man or: How work-sampling in sales eliminates time crunchers

Multimomentaufnahme in der Produktion

What makes work sampling the optimal tool for the manufacturing industry?

In order to stand out in such a highly technological environment, it is also necessary to have an overview of all the small details - this is where the multi-moment shot comes in.

Multimomentaufnahme im Home Office

Work Sampling in Home Office

The Corona crisis forces many companies with their employees into the home office. This can cause organisational and/or communication problems for the individual teams.

Multimomentaufnahme vs. Zeiterfassung

A continuous improvement process in times of change

At this point, a working study is the right tool. A permanent installation in a company allows the processes to be constantly checked, adapted and optimised.

Multimomentaufnahme vs. Zeiterfassung

Create and restructure with sampling methods

The results of the multimoment study provide you with the necessary basis for decision-making when it comes to optimizing work processes or restructuring within the organization!


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